Thursday, July 31, 2008

Another Thursday gone by

Thursday's are my busiest days at work. I do payroll, everyone wants to get paid on Friday. I did my payrolls and it was overall an uneventful work day. Tori called me and told me Donna got through her surgery just fine and should go home tomorrow. I can't believe they are sending her home so soon. She was on life support less than a week ago! I think it's because they don't have insurance. Brandon had a good day with the sitter. Today was her last full day. She said she can still watch him Monday's since she has off. I called his old sitter, Renee, to see if she could watch him the last two weeks before school starts, and she said yes and was excited to see him again. I wish she could be my all the time sitter, but that's life. When I came home from work Brandon and I went to Walgreens to drop off his new scripts. I bought him a bionicle thingy that shoots balls. I bought some new shampoo. I will work on laundry tonight and try to restore some sort of order to the house. I'm am really, really drained and tired. My tooth hurts and I have to wait three weeks until I can have my root canal. Yipee!! Overall I feel relieved, grateful, and blessed. God always comes through for us, our needs are always met.

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