Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Baby, Kaylin, and Brandon news

I am getting excited about my first “real” baby shower. It will have people I know come and we play games and eat food and have great time. My first two babies were preemies and we had an impromptu shower, where about 5-6 people showed up, 3 of them were my mom and sisters. I am not complaining. I was in a much different situation then than I’m in now. This time I have a job, health insurance, stability and a stronger support system. My friend is throwing my shower sometime in April or May, and it will be at my mom’s house. Rick’s sister Maureen let me know that she would be getting us the crib and my friend Fran is getting us a Pack N Play. This weekend I’m going to pick out a car seat, look at strollers, and MAYBE register at Wal-Mart for the shower. I’m starting to get really excited about meeting Noah and seeing what kind of personality he will have. I’m also getting nervous about getting him the things he needs before he gets here, without going broke. I am really feeling the time crunch! It has been so long since I’ve had an infant, and I worry I won’t remember anything.

In Kaylin news, yesterday she had decided to move out over an incident regarding her brother. To prove her seriousness, she grabbed her bean bag chair and stormed out, parking it right in the front yard. This all came about while I was on a phone call with a friend (also a fellow blogger). Kaylin ran in the room and told me Brandon called her a bad word. Brandon seemed really upset, and she seemed really smug. I told her that since I wasn’t there to hear it, and both of you lie, I will not do anything. This sent her into an emotional frenzy type tornado. I guess she was offended that I questioned her integrity I suppose. She loves to instigate, antagonize, she seeks any and all drama, especially when it pertains to getting Brandon in trouble. Brandon lies, Kaylin lies.

In Brandon news, he got in trouble on the bus for drawing pictures of bad words. After getting caught, he decided to say bad words. I’m really, really hoping that after a few weeks of consistent soap-in-mouth we will be done with bad words.

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