Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Breastfeeding class and some complaining

Tonight I somehow talked Rick into going to my breastfeeding class. I am proud to say that he behaved himself. We learned a lot, but it also left a lot of decisions to be made. One of them is how long do I do it for, and how will I handle pumping at work if I choose to do so after my maternity leave. I guess we will play wait and see. There are a lot of factors that influence this big decision. Kaylin and Brandon went to my moms. Kaylin is horrified that I will be breastfeeding. She calls it booby sucking and states that it is the most unnatural, inhumane, disgusting thing to do. I told her to get over it...

I saw Dr. Gregush today, and everything is going well. I am 29 weeks and 4 days. Noah weighs about 3 lbs 8 oz and looks to be a week ahead in size. My blood pressure was higher than usual, but no one was concerned. Dr. Gregush was also very excited and happy about my cervix. I know you're jealous that my cervix is so awesome.

I've also been irritable about some different things going on in life. I will just make a list;
1. Possible court thing for daughter.
2. State Attorney's office won't call me back (see #1)
3. Pissed at Tori about her sucky attitude and nasty comments
4. Pissed at girls at work about time off issues
5. Annoyed at Rick (as usual) for being lazy and not motivated
6. Not liking the neglected feeling
7. Nervous about baby shower (I don't like to be at the center of things)
8. People aren't RSVP-ing for shower
9. Tori is being a bitch about my shower
10. Mom is being nutty
11. Self esteem has plummeted to an all time low
12. My house if a mess

Just for shit's and giggles I will make a list of good crap;
1. My dad is coming to visit
2. My maternity leave is a few short months away
3. My pregnancy is going well
4. I have two great kids
5. I have a boyfriend who is nice
6. Excited about baby shower
7. Proud that I quit smoking and am sticking to it
8. I have only gained 16 lbs during my pregnancy
9. I have family and friends
10. I have a job to pay my bills
11. I am grateful

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