Monday, January 28, 2013

I forgot I had a have things changed.

Brandon is now 11, he will be 12 in August.  We have still been struggling with behaviors and now we have a 3 1/2 year old to throw in the mix. 

Our most recent "crisis" was in October he started going down hill when the school year let up.  We thought it may be the transition of going to Middle School in the fall.  He kept getting in trouble in summer camp, being suspended multiple times and his episodes of violence increasing in frequency and severity.  Rick took him to his psych appointment after we discovered that he was having audio and visual hallucinations.  At the doctors appointment he freaked, and was Baker Acted to Bayside in Sarasota.  They played with his meds and send him home after a week.  This was the first time we went to Bayside; he had been to Coastal before but they no longer accepted children. 

Still doing medication management, still struggling to get him under control.  His weight has gone out of control and everything is still a constant struggle. 

He was doing well....mainstreamed from Oak Park back to Toledo Blade into regular ed classes.  Started Middle School and things rapidly went down hill.  Fights with students and staff, running out of classrooms, flipping desks.  More and more meetings at the school...I saw what the school was doing; they were tightening the reigns and getting their paperwork ready to send him back to Oak Park.  So here we are 3+ years later, exactly in the same place. 

My family and I are in a different place so to speak.  We don't hang out with people that don't understand.  People say they understand, but they don't.  Until you live it you can't.  No one sees what we see.  No one knows how hard it is and what kind of magical act we have to put on to make sure Brandon is where he needs to be when we are with people.  We have to constantly watch to see if he is getting agitated and try to redirect before we end up providing people with the evenings entertainment. 

If I hear someone else say, "you guys are great parents", "we give you a lot of credit", or "you are so patient" I will punch someone right in the face.

So I suppose my theraputic blogging will resume and we will see how things evolve.

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