Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The pieces come together.....well kinda (written some time between April and July?)

Well I think I left off with Dr Doolittle, doing little. He may have finally come to the realization that the Daytrana patch and stimulant medications are not working and have never been a good fit for him. He finally gave up on the thought of this Daytrana patch being the silver bullet. He said Brandon may be the 1 in 10,000 kids that react the way he did to the stimulant medication. This is good, this is bad. This really just puts us back to the drawing board. He is now going to concentrate on managing his bipolar symptoms. He increased his lamictal to 150 mg and will slowly go up on the dosage to see if we can see some relief. We have to watch extremely closely for a serious, dangerous rash associated with this medication which is called Steven Johnson syndrome. Rick's sister, Maureen came with us. I think she thought that by being there we would get answers. It's sad to see someone’s face when they realize how broken our system is. She asked him what he was going to do to ensure that he won't be on the news. He told her he has 500 patients that are in the same boat of symptom/diagnostic severity that could be on the news. How scary is that? 500 kids that have the potential to be the next Adam Lanza or other mentally ill gunman. Multiply that by all the mental health professionals. That's a lot of unbalanced kids and depleted parents.

We had an IEP meeting last Friday and that went well. The school added summer school to his IEP so that he will be eligible to enroll in the summer camp program with Oak Park. We sent his enrollment, scholarship, and deposit out on Friday. I hope to hear something soon. This will alleviate the stress on Kaylin having Brandon home, it will also help Brandon work on his school skills he has been losing, and keep me working without worry of him getting kicked out.

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