Sunday, October 19, 2008

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday recaped

Thursday I worked. I got home from work, got prettied up had Rick drop me and my cousin Amanda (from Ohio) off at Coyotes and we drank beer, played pool and danced with my cousin Amber. Rick picked our drunk butts off. We dropped Amanda off, and went home. When we got home, Brandon started screaming his mouth hurt. And he didn't stop, at all, all night. I did not sleep. Finally I took him to the ER Friday morning, they looked in his mouth and told me to take him to a dentist and give him Motrin. Duh. I called the dentist and she wasn't in on Friday, the office staff called her, and they called me back. They called in anti-biotics and told me to give him Motrin. I went home, went to sleep for an hour, woke up cleaned, cooked, and walked around in a sleepless fog getting ready for Kaylin' s birthday party. Everyone showed up at 6pm. We ate spaghetti, cake, opened presents. Kaylin got over $100 b-day money, two Nintendo DS games, a craft kit, and a goody bag of misc. 11 year old stuff. The people left, I went to bed at 8:40 a slept like a frickin rock. Saturday morning we went to Kaylin's soccer game. She did good, she really tried and it was a good game. They won 3-0 and are undefeated!! After soccer we went to Sam's Club to pick up the deli trays, rolls, and veggies. Then we came home and got ready for the memorial service. I took Kaylin with me to my moms and Brandon stayed home with Rick while I got my moms house ready for company. We went to the church for the service and it was set up beautifully, my mother sung a hymn and the pastor read a poem my mom wrote. I don't think there was a dry eye in the house. Immediately after the service I rushed back to my moms to put the food out and light all the candles. Everything was beautiful. We had a prayer circle and ate, drank and had a good time thinking about grandma. As the night went on people got drunker and drunker. I had to do three beer runs since I wasn't drinking. My mother got bombed they went through 1 box, 2 large and one small bottle of wine. Everyone left at about 1am. I put my drunk mother to bed after washing her face, putting her jammies on, giving her a barf bucket and washcloth. Sunday was nice, I had my bible study in the morning, took the kids to Walmart so Kaylin could spend her birthday money. She bought a MP3 player and a voice activated journal and a DS game. Brandon got a transformer. I picked up the house when we got home, and Kaylin's dad Jim and step mom Jess came for dinner to celebrate Kaylin's birthday. We had a really nice time.

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